Today we dive into all things confidence and wellness with Sisley Killam, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, food and health blogger. Sisley shares the importance of believing in yourself and honouring your unique individuality.
This is Sisley Killam
Registered Nutritionist, Food & Health Blogger
Since I share a lot of my life on social media, I think the biggest challenge I’ve been tested with is to stay true to myself and who I am as an individual. After years of working in the online space, I’ve noticed the importance of believing in myself and honouring my unique individuality.

1. What inspired you to learn about healthy eating?
When I was in high school, I struggled with digestive issues, acne and anxiety. I began to realize that the food I ate had a massive impact on my overall health. This is what drove me to make small yet significant changes, such as increasing my vegetable intake and drinking enough water throughout the day. These small daily habits turned into larger lifestyle changes and I fell in love with how eating healthy, real foods made me feel! Once I began eating healthier and understanding how food affects the body, I immediately felt more energized, calmer, happier and healthier.
2. How do you think confidence relates to healthy eating?
I 100% think there is a massive connection between confidence and healthy eating. When we eat foods that make us feel physically and mentally good – clear & focused, energized & upbeat – we feel beautiful in our own skin. This inner confidence radiates into our everyday lives and has a huge impact on how we make decisions.
3. How has leading a healthy lifestyle allowed you to build more confidence and self-love?
Learning to take care of my body from a nutrition perspective helped me gain clarity on what it means to have a self care practice. When I fuel my body with nutritious foods, it is a simple act of self love. This creates a ripple effect in our lives so that we are able to speak kindly to ourselves, help to nurture others and enjoy life to its fullest potential. When we feel our best selves, we are able to support others as well, which feels wonderful.
4. What has been the biggest challenge in your career and how did you overcome it?
Since I share a lot of my life on social media, I think the biggest challenge I’ve been tested with is to stay true to myself and who I am as an individual. After years of working in the online space, I’ve noticed the importance of believing in myself and honouring my unique individuality. That’s what makes this world so beautiful, when we honour who we are as unique human beings. I love being able to share my unique journey and my nutrition knowledge with other women in the world.
5. As a kid, were you always interested in health and nutrition or did you realize your passion for it when you were older?
I always had a passion for feeling good in my body and taking care of myself, but I never considered how food affected the body. Growing up, I saw a lot of my friends struggling with unhealthy relationships with food due to fear and un-education, which made me want to understand more about nutrition and also help to protest against diet culture. I am now a huge advocate for intuitive eating and anti-dieting. I hope my passion for holistic nutrition continues to grow with me!
6. What inspired you to have a career in nutrition and well-being?
I went into Holistic Nutrition as a career because I wanted to help other people who were going through the same struggles as I was. In my early twenties, I began making meal plans and teaching friends how to cook healthier. It makes me incredibly happy to see others feel drastically better when they eat healthier and make conscious decisions for their overall wellbeing. I love helping women feel their absolute best in their bodies – feeling confident from the inside out is the best!
7. How can educating youth about health and nutrition better their future?
I wish I had learned more about holistic nutrition when I was younger. It’s exciting to see how the world is changing! When we understand how our bodies work and how food can affect our overall health, we are more likely to make conscious decisions throughout the years. Having a younger sister, I always felt it was important to help her understand how certain foods can benefit us and how to create a healthy relationship with food from a young age. Educating youth on health and nutrition can help with:
● Maintaining mental clarity and focus (to help feel calm while studying!)
● Empowerment and confidence (to ace that presentation!)
● Support energy and prevent sports injuries (to feel amazing all day long!)
● Create a healthy relationship with food (dieting is so yesterday!)
● Support digestion (no more tummy aches!)

Written by Ameya Wagner
BeaYOUtiful participant. Aspiring journalist and author.