Beayoutiful Foundation

Our mission is to instil the value of self-worth and self-love in young girls, inspiring them to build confidence through acts of passion, kindness, community, and connection.

Taylor Hui
Founder of the BeaYOUtiful Foundation

our story

Who We Are

A passion project turned national movement

What started as a passion project for Taylor Hui at 17 years old, has turned into a nationally recognized Charity dedicated to educating young girls about the importance of confidence.

A Registered Canadian Charity, the BeaYOUtiful Foundation works with female and non-binary children and youth between the ages of 8 to 14 years old, providing programs and events that inspire confidence-building and positive body image through mentorship. BeaYOUtiful works directly with diverse communities throughout Canada, providing a safe and empowering environment that encourages youth to develop a better understanding of their self-worth and build lasting friendships. BeaYOUtiful implements programs and events at recreation centers, community facilities, and elementary schools, offering both after school and evening classes. 

A recent expansion of BeaYOUtiful in Spring 2020 has introduced new online confidence programs and workshops. Hosted digitally, the BeaYOUtiful Foundation is now reaching communities nationally and will continue to expand in-person programs across Canada. To date, the BeaYOUtiful Foundation has positively impacted over 4,500 girls.

Offering five and six week programs, single day workshops, and city-wide conferences, BeaYOUtiful covers a variety of topics including, but not limited to, positive body image, media literacy, mental health, bullying, leadership, artistic expression, and addressing key steps towards setting achievable goals.

What makes us unique

Differentiating from other organizations, BeaYOUtiful provides a unique experience offering group classes integrated with local one-on-one mentorship sessions. Each mentor, aged 18 to 45, is responsible for the teachings and guidance of the course. The small gap between the age difference of mentors and class participants allows an easier dialogue of trust and friendship. Personal connections flourish, providing a comfortable transition for children and youth to open their hearts and minds to a healthier self. Our mission is not to build a teacher, counsellor or friendship relationship, but a sisterhood bond to carry on for years to come.

I want a girl to know her self-worth and feel beautiful, inside and out.

This was the ultimate goal when Taylor Hui started BeaYOUtiful. The more she immersed herself among children and teens, it became clearer that young girls struggle every day to feel confident in their own skin. At the age of 17, Taylor founded BeaYOUtiful, and alongside classmate Anthea Zheng, she had the opportunity to launch their first pilot program with an inner-city school in Surrey, BC. After six-weeks of mentoring a group of young girls, Taylor and Anthea experienced the first success of the program – they witnessed new friendships being built, and observed the growth in the girls’ confidence through mentorship.

Realizing the potential of the organization, Taylor took immediate action to bring the programs to other communities. With the support of the Surrey School Board, Taylor was able to provide ongoing six-week programs to young girls and ignite mentorship opportunities for young female leaders in her city. Little did she know that what started as an underestimated idea, would become a nationally recognized organization educating and empowering young women and girls across Canada