Meet Amy Bunnage
We dive into all things female empowerment and wellness with Amy Bunnage, Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Amy shares about how empowering it can be for young people to learn about leading a healthy lifestyle. This is Amy Bunnage Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Plant-based Blogger, Youtuber & Smoothie Lover. I honestly think learning the tools to lead a […]
Meet Sisley Killam
Today we dive into all things confidence and wellness with Sisley Killam, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, food and health blogger. Sisley shares the importance of believing in yourself and honouring your unique individuality. This is Sisley Killam Registered Nutritionist, Food & Health Blogger Since I share a lot of my life on social media, I […]
Meet Rosie Mensah
Rosie shares about her desire for there to be more representation of Black healthcare professionals within the Canadian healthcare system. Rosie’s goal is to help others achieve good health and access to food. This is Rosie Mensah Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Communicator, Food Justice & Health Equity Advocate. The main reason why I wanted to go […]
Meet Meghan De Jong
Meghan’s goal is to educate as many young people as possible about holistic health to help them to avoid some of the heartache she went through with her health issues and disordered eating. This is Meghan De Jong Nutritionist Specializing in Anxiety, Gut Health & Hormones. I was inspired to have a career in nutrition […]